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Courses & Workshops

Women Laughing on Beach

Bodywisdom Courses & Workshops

I'm developing a series of shorter and longer online courses so I can offer my services to groups.


This means learning and unfolding in community, just as we're wired and meant to do as human beings.


A Course for Women

7 Days of Detox & Nurture for the Body, Mind & Spirit

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Image by andrew welch

Autumn Course Dates:

October 2024

Do you want to Reduce Fatigue, Beat Brain Fog, Regulate your Nervous System,

Regain your Mojo and Reconnect with Joy?

Our experience of life, in the present moment, is ruled by our Autonomic Nervous System. This system is Queen! It's in charge of of unconscious behaviours such as breathing and heart rate, digestion, sleep, and (you guessed it), the endocrine system - our hormones.

As women, our bodies and minds are strongly influenced by our hormone health, and when we're stressed, exhausted and pushed to our limits, erratic hormone levels can cause untold distress, with everything from weight gain, brain fog, irritability, anxiety and symptoms of depression.


This 7-day Detox & Nurture programme gives you a reset. It's a chance to nurture yourself using education, mindfulness, somatic tools and diet. 


Get Notified when Registration starts by Joining the Waiting List 

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Reset & Thrive 

Reset and Regulate your Nervous System and Rewire & Nurture the Gut-Brain connection using somatic practices, including SSP sound therapy, plus trauma-informed coaching and psycho-education to address the symptoms you're experiencing at their roots - in the body and in the mind. This is a personalised, tailored 12 week 1:1 journey to heal the causes of trauma & chronic stress so you can live confidently, with ease and thrive.

Learn to tune into your body, trust your cyclical nature and become your own medicine.

Healing traumatic and stressful experiences from the past means we're able to live life fully in the present.
Listening deeply to and healing our body allows us to harness all of our energy and potential to live a fulfilling, easeful and confident life.  

Get unstuck, empower yourself and feel the freedom to 'sing' your own unique song.

Nervous System S.O.S. - coming soon

A collection of easy, accessible somatic practices and tools to help you de-stress and reduce anxiety or overwhelm in your everyday life (a self-led short course)​

​If you'd like to be notified with further details & dates for 2024 courses please join my waiting list here for updates.  
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Reset & Rewire

Reset and Regulate your Nervous System and Restore the Gut-Brain connection through toning the Vagus Nerve. An 8-week journey to heal the root causes of Anxiety & Perimenopausal distress. Learn to tune into your body, trust your cyclical nature and become your own medicine.

Healing traumatic and stressful experiences from the past means we can live life fully in the present.
Listening deeply to and healing our body allows us to harness all of our energy and potential to live a full & passionate life.  

Get unstuck, empower yourself and feel the freedom to 'sing' your own unique song.

Nervous System & Anxiety S.O.S.

A collection of easy, accessible somatic practices and tools to help you de-stress and reduce anxiety or overwhelm in your everyday life (a self-led/ short course)​

​If you'd like to be notified with further details & dates for 2023 courses please join my waiting list here for updates.  
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Contact Me

If you’d like to find out more about how we can work together, please message me to arrange a  free 20 minute chat.


You can ask me any questions you may have and we'll agree on the best way for us to work together.


If you know what you want and are ready to get started, contact me to choose your individually tailored package and we’ll get you booked in!

Please check the options you're interested in:

Let me know a little about your situation as well as your preferred time to talk - morning/afternoon/evening.


*If you want to come for body therapy, you can book in now, using the booking link at the top of the page.

Thanks for getting in touch!

RAB (Registreret Alternativ Behandler)

Massage & Psykoterapi/ Psychotherapy

Clinic Address:


Holger Danskes Vej, 3b

Frederiksberg 2000



Registered Company Address:

Islevvangen, 9

Rødovre 2610





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Somatic Experiencing & Somatic Coaching online



Body-Mind Therapy, Somatic Experiencing & Somatic Coaching in clinic




Tel: +45 9395 8321

CVR: 38043285

© 2023 by Fiona L Smith

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